Find Your Council
Photo by Member Mark Krancer, Kram Kran Photo
Join a Council Today
The Chamber Councils have served the Jacksonville area for more than 50 years. Each Council provides unique programs and activities to promote and improve the business and civic climates of their industries or geographic areas. Chamber Councils facilitate communication among members of similar interests, demographics or industry types.
Any employee of a Chamber member company is eligible for membership in one or more Chamber Councils.
Photo by Member Ryan Ketterman
What is a Chamber Council?
The JAX Chamber Councils are strategic business-focused groups offering a platform for Chamber members to build meaningful relationships and become actively involved in the business community.
Who Participates in the Chamber Councils?
Council members are business owners and professionals who want to connect with others. They are interested in networking within a specific geographical area or industry sector.
Find Your Council by Region or Industry
The Chamber Councils have served the greater Jacksonville area for more than 50 years. Each Council provides unique programs and activities to promote and improve the business and civic climate of their geographic area or industry sector.

Why Should I Join a Chamber Council?
Council participation may help you:
- Build relationships with other professionals in your region or industry
- Become educated and informed on topics impacting the community and your business
- Participate in community service projects while networking with Chamber members
- Meet suppliers and service providers for your business
- Market your products and services
- Receive referrals from fellow members
What Happens at Council Meetings?
Before Council meetings start, members network and make connections. A typical meeting is held over breakfast or lunch and includes a keynote speaker, a spotlight speaker, self-introductions, and door prize giveaways.
When and Where Do Councils Meet?
Visit the Chamber’s events calendar for upcoming meeting details and registration.
Where is the Beaches Council?
Instead of a Beaches Council, we offer a Beaches Division dedicated to the promotion and development of our coastal business community from Mayport to Ponte Vedra Beach. This division conducts its own monthly luncheons and Coffee on the Coast, the Beaches Division’s signature morning networking opportunity. The Beaches Division provides a convenient location for Chamber members who work or live at the beach.
Still have questions?
For more information about Chamber Councils, contact Kathy Sutton at (904) 273-5367 or